Men’s Outcall / Hotel Massage for Women, Men & Couples by Male Masseurs


Tongkat Ali (东革阿里)

马来西亚出名纯天然草药 –> 生物伟哥 TONGKAT ALI FOR MEN In men, testosterone is responsible for developing the sexual organs and for making sure these organs are healthy. Many users of the extract have reported increased penis size and increased testicular production. The end result of the use of Tongkat Ali is that both men and women can…

Outcall Men to Women Massage

Outcall Man to Couple Massage

Outcall M2M: Man to Man Massage

Red Bird Nest

Swiftlet Bird Nest


Bird Nest (燕窝)

Black Tongkat Ali (野生黑东革阿里)

RMB 990 / kg “黑金刚” black TongKat 黑东革阿里  另外白入脾,黑入肾,也就是说白东革阿里一旦有脾虚的人是不合适用的, 而黑阿里则完全适合服用。 小根黑东革阿里闻上去有股比较重的鱼腥味,但刮一点放入嘴中咀嚼时,会发现味道比较淡,完全没有白阿里的苦味。 老根黑东革阿里闻上去没有鱼腥味,煮好的水放凉喝上去会有淡淡的鱼腥味道。   Black Tongkat Ali Tongkat Ali Hitam, with its scientific name Polyalthia Bullata, from the Annoneceae family or also known as Black Tongkat, Tongkat Ali Baginda, Sepelih Angin, Serat usually can be found and traded in the region Southeast Asia. The plant is…

Yellow / White Tongkat Ali (东革阿里黄/白)

RMB 1,290 / kg Natural Herbal Sex Booster, Raw Tongkat Ali Kuning (Yellow) Root Tongkat Ali is referred to Ali’s walking stick in Malay language. It is also dubbed as “Malaysian Ginseng” and popularly known as “Asian Viagra”. Another folk name of this plant is Longjack. The scientific name of Tongkat Ali is Eurycoma Longifolia….