Professional Massage In Shah Alam.

Do you have gout? wrong vein? sprained leg? genital problems? and all kinds of other problems.. let’s contact me asap.

I have the solution!

We provide full body massage and sensual massage services.

To anyone who is interested, can contact me immediately.

Couple Massage Package

Outcall Couple Massage in KL & Shah Alam

Outcall Full Body Couple Massage for both Men & Women

Bawa Urutan Ke Rumah

Disebabkan PKP, sangat sukar untuk mendapatkan urutan yang baik dan berkualiti kerana semua kedai urut ditutup.


Kami membawa spa urut ke rumah anda sendiri. Anda boleh duduk dan berehat sementara kami datang ke tempat anda untuk urutan.

Anda boleh memainkan muzik kegemaran anda, menambahkan bauan aromaterapi sementara kami membantu anda menghilangkan tekanan dengan teknik urutan yang hebat.

Anda boleh membawa sesi urut sama ada di rumah atau hotel anda.

Tempah Sekarang Untuk Sesi Urut Anda

Whatsapp Encik Harris sekarang di sini untuk menempah!

Massage Service To Your Home

Due to MCO, it is very hard to get a good and quality massage because all the massage shop are closed.


We bring the massage spa to your own home. You can sit back and relax while we come to your place for the massage.

You may play your favorite music, adding some aromatherapy scent while we help you release your stress with our great massage techniques.

You can bring the massage session whether at your house or hotel.

Book Now For Your Massage Session

Whatsapp Mr Harris now here to book!

Full Body Massage @ Shah Alam




Full Body Massage

Manhood / Yoni Therapy

** Full Body Massage + Manhood / Yoni

Special Package: Full Body Massage + Manhood Therapy / Yoni Massage + Full Body Scrub


Full Body Massage (2 person) + Manhood Therapy / Yoni Massage

Full Body Massage + Manhood Therapy / Yoni Massage + Full Body Scrub (2 person)

Massage in Shah Alam

25 Reasons to Get a Massage – Massage For Men & Women in Shah Alam

1. Relieve stress

2. Relieve postoperative pain

3. Reduce anxiety

4. Manage low-back pain

5. Help fibromyalgia pain

6. Reduce muscle tension

7. Enhance exercise performance

8. Relieve tension headaches

9. Sleep better

10. Ease symptoms of depression

11. Improve cardiovascular health

12. Reduce pain of osteoarthritis

13. Decrease stress in cancer patients

14. Improve balance in older adults

15. Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain

16. Temper effects of dementia

17. Promote relaxation

18. Lower blood pressure

19. Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

20. Help chronic neck pain

21. Lower joint replacement pain

22. Increase range of motion

23. Decrease migraine frequency

24. Improve quality of life in hospice care

25. Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea

Massage in Shah Alam | Malay Traditional Massage in Shah Alam

 25 Reasons to Get a Massage – Massage For Men & Women in Shah Alam

1. Relieve stress

2. Relieve postoperative pain

3. Reduce anxiety

4. Manage low-back pain

5. Help fibromyalgia pain

6. Reduce muscle tension

7. Enhance exercise performance

8. Relieve tension headaches

9. Sleep better

10. Ease symptoms of depression

11. Improve cardiovascular health

12. Reduce pain of osteoarthritis

13. Decrease stress in cancer patients

14. Improve balance in older adults

15. Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain

16. Temper effects of dementia

17. Promote relaxation

18. Lower blood pressure

19. Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

20. Help chronic neck pain

21. Lower joint replacement pain

22. Increase range of motion

23. Decrease migraine frequency

24. Improve quality of life in hospice care

25. Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea